Shin splints, AKA medial stress syndrome, is categorised by a variable intensity of diffused pain on the inside of the lower leg/shin. Shin splints usually show themselves the night after exercising or the next morning - exercise usually decreases the pain of shin splints as you warm up. Shin splints oftentimes can develop into a stress fracture. Stress fractures are localised, acute or sharp pain that gets worse as you exercise. A physio will help you determine what the cause is of this stress reaction. Some common causes include: - Overload: how much exercise/sport you are undertaking - Change in exercise type/load - Type of shoes - Strength and control - Muscle flexibility (ie. calf tightness) If you are experiencing shin pain please reach out to a Physiotherapist to help you develop a plan to help you get back to exercise pain free. ☎️ 6352 3131 ✉️ [email protected] ℹ️
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